Sunday, July 1, 2007

Freakin stupid neighbors...

I'm sure we all have stupid neighbors but man these ones are really making me mad. So for about the last 2 weeks the neighbors directly behind us, which is right outside our bedroom window, have been spending a lot of time on their porch. The are usually up until at least 2am talking, drinking, smoking and joking. Their porch light looks like a flood light and lights up our room even with the blinds drawn. So we don't have an air conditioner so we leave our window open all night. Obviously we can hear them talk, laugh and especially throw their beer bottles in the dumpster all night. Half the time their kids are up with them at night (the older daughter smoking with them, not sure how old she is). A couple nights ago after working a 12 hour shift and having to go in again the next day for another 12 I was sleeping (like normal people do at 2am) and I am awakened to the sound of a child laughing, screaming and playing a game like tag. I of course was out of it and it took me a second to figure out that it was the neighbors once again. I peeked out the window and saw the Mom (who looks like quite a hooch all the time) talking to someone in a car and the 8-9 year old daughter running around the car opening the door playing some game. So I yelled out at them that people are trying to sleep. Luckily the mom had enough sense that she grabbed the daughter at that point so I didn't have to shoot them (which of course crossed my mind) But seriously what kind of parent first of all lets their young kids stay up at all hours of the night. And then what kind of MORON lets them run around playing and yelling at 2am right next to peoples bedroom windows. There is 7 apartments right there that most likely could hear it. Man I hate stupid people.