Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Meals to families that Mom is sick....

Okay, what is the deal with this tradition? Why does the Relief Society have to make meals for a family that the mom is sick or has surgery or something like that? What is wrong with these husbands that can't cook a meal or if you can't cook there is allways Pizza, Chineese, Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonalds, or a TV Dinner. In our last ward we took meals to like 3 or 4 people. I know all of them could have made a dinner or something. One of the families when we arrived the dad was out mowing the lawn. If my wife is sick and can't make dinner, I think the lawn can wait a week to get mowed. I would really have to be hard up with Sarah like on her death bed, no family around, kids to take care of and work still before I would let people do that for me. MEN IT'S TIME TO BE A MAN AGAIN, GO BUY SOME SPAGETTI NOODLES AND A BOTTLE OF PASTA SAUCE ALONG WITH FRESH GARLIC BREAD FROM MACEYS, IT'S A MEAL FOR A FAMILY FOR $5 SERIOUSLY PEOPLE COME ON, there are much better causes that the Relief Society Women can be devoting their very little spare time on.